Living in Brazil

Sightseeing in Ouro Preto

oresato.jpg Sight-seeing in Ouro Preto in Belo Horizonte.
( Flourished about 350 years ago)

Ouro Preto, Monument City, officially recogonized as

a Cultural Patrimony of Humanity, is today the largest

homogenous complex of the baroque architecture in
the world.

It takes about 1 hour from Belo Horizonte City by car.
Old church and myself
ouropreto.jpg [Central Square of Ouro Preto]

There are many jeweler's and be able to get a good precious stone or a jewels.

We can see a tout of jewel for sales. The price was low and a jewels was good quality.


I enjoyed drinking beer in the party.

[Cheerio!] with Mr.Gerbert

<--- [Mr.Gerbert. He is Lecture of SENAI]


Lecture Mr.Paulo (center) and his members

Staffs of SENAI

( Electronics and Information technology)

clashic.jpg [ Entrance of Hotel Classic]

I stayed about 45 days at [Hotel Classic] in Belo Horizonte City.

It takes about 20 minutes from SENAI-MG to Hotel by car.
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